Cluttered Website Is Bad For Business

Clutter on a website overwhelms.

Clutter clouds focus.

It obscures your message.

I’m not talking about a glaringly cluttered website design from 15-20 years ago with bright, flashy colors and images strewn about. The websites that looked like a newspaper spread or a collage.

No, not those (ancient) websites.

Many new, modern, gorgeous websites; business, beauty – pick an industry – websites are cluttered. 

You can’t, and shouldn’t, try to be something to everyone.

Clutter Lurks in Plain sight

Clutter on a website – and website design can manifest in many ways.

It usually is a combination of things, a combination of elements.

Design elements (buttons, animations)

All competing for attention.

Here’s the thing.

Our attention is limited.

Very limited.

The Impact of Clutter

Clutter negatively impacts User Experience (UX) and conversion rate.

Clutter is not aesthetically pleasing.

It can create technical issues – slow down your website, and degrade its performance.


Perhaps more concerning is the potential long-term effects on your brand – how your users perceive your brand.

All of that creates friction.

Friction clogs up a smooth path for your visitor to go where you want them to go and to do what you want them to do.

Clutter-free Experience

The fix.

Thoughtful website design.

Ask yourself:

What is the most important thing I want the visitor to do on my website e.g. on the home page?

Then help them do just that.

/ Alie


Website Design

User Experience
